Pavone applied the Page 69 Test to The Paris Diversion and reported the following:
From page 69:Visit Chris Pavone's website.
“You understand that you cannot allow yourself to be caught?” That’s what the man with the big beard asked, the man who has run this op. “Not under any circumstances.”Although these are minor characters, this scene is indeed completely representative of the plot, themes, and twists in this book. The thing that you as a reader think is going on? That’s not what’s really going on. And the second thing you think you’ve figured out? That’s not it either.
It was a beard that could look like many different things, depending on context. A rugged mountain man. Or a hipster. Or an orthodox Jew, maybe a rabbi. Or a devout Muslim. Or a jihadist planning to blow up Paris. A lot of competing types.
Wyatt accepted the familiar handgun.
Coffee with a Canine: Chris Pavone & Charlie Brown.
--Marshal Zeringue