From Page 69:Visit Tiffany Reisz's website.“I wish Momma would come back too,” Tamara said. But from the looks of the dark and the wet and the new rain coming down, it didn’t appear her mother was coming back anytime soon. She found her grandfather looking at her, studying her. He’d been doing that more lately, watching her. Sometimes it didn’t feel like his gaze was on her so much as his hands. She liked it when Levi looked at her. But not even he looked at her like this.In The Bourbon Thief, the weight of history bears down upon my characters, nearly crushing them. But while they are pressed, they are not crushed. History is a heavy burden, especially in the south. My leading lady Tamara Maddox is nearly a casualty of history and her grandfather’s obsession with bloodlines. The book is a tale of lust and love, revenge and redemption set in Kentucky and South Carolina in 1980. This page gives the tiniest hint of what is expected of Tamara and what she will be forced to do to save both herself and the soul of her family.
“Angel, I know it’s not easy being a Maddox. Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to do. Your grandmother wanted to go to college instead of getting married. But her family had money trouble so she got married. You do what you have to do for your family. Like Jacob Maddox.”
“What about him?”
“My great-grandfather Jacob Maddox got married for money too. Married a lady named Henrietta Arden. That’s why this house is called Arden, because we wouldn’t have it but for her.”
--Marshal Zeringue