Wilson applied the Page 69 Test to his new novel, Robogenesis, and reported the following:
Page 69 of Robogenesis contains an incredibly horrific moment, and therefore I suppose it is completely representative of the rest of the novel. The survivors of Gray Horse army find a kind of organic robot, slowly making its away across the plains of Montana. The “slug” seems harmless, and they investigate. But the shaggy, clumsy robotic creature has a vicious built-in defense that no one could have predicted. It’s a fitting sample of the novel, which is largely about how a new ecosystem could spring up, made of natural and unnatural creatures – a new world.Learn more about the book and author at Daniel Wilson's website.The bowed legs are sharp and made of brownish metal and they move together in a complicated way.
“No, no, I can’t,” I mutter.
It’s a pile of buffalo under there. Making that stink. Twisted sneering corpses half stripped of flesh. The smell is hot and awful coming up off the mound of decomposed corpses. And I see now the slug’s almost reached where Howard has stopped moving under a carpet of brown writhing locusts. The slug shudders and drops its bulk over Howard’s sprawled feet. The noise it makes is awful.
My Book, The Movie: A Boy and His Bot.
The Page 69 Test: Robopocalypse.
--Marshal Zeringue