Friday, February 9, 2024

"Hurt for Me"

Heather Levy is a born and bred Oklahoman and graduate of Oklahoma City University’s Red Earth MFA program for creative writing. Her work has appeared in numerous journals and publications, including CrimeReads and NAILED Magazine. The New York Times called her Anthony-nominated debut, Walking through Needles, “a spellbinding novel at the nexus of power, desire, and abuse that portends a bright future,” and the Los Angeles Times called it “a standout for its frank but sensitive exploration of trauma and desire.” Levy lives in Oklahoma with her husband, two kids, and three murderous cats.

She applied the Page 69 Test to her new novel, Hurt for Me, and reported the following:
From page 69:
Angel smirked at her. “Rae-Rae, did you just hang up on Mr. Hot Detective?”

“Pretty certain there’s no law against it.”

Angel’s expression turned somber again. “Are you going to say anything to Lily?”

Hearing her say it was like a jump-scare to Rae’s heart. “No. I doubt anyone she knows reads that asinine site. Besides, we have enough damage control to worry about, and Mr. Diaper Pants will be here soon.” She started pulling her strawberry-blonde hair back into the tight bun she usually wore for client sessions. “Will you please get his bottle warmed up?”

Angel pouted as she made her way to the small kitchen they had in the back. “I don’t have enough coffee in my system for this shit.”

Rae doubted there’d be enough coffee in the world to get through the hell they were certain to face.
I would say page 69 gives a nibble but is overall a poor test in showing what the book is about as a whole work.

The reader sees the strong friendship between Rae and her best friend and business partner Angel, and the scene shows there’s a threat to their business that may also affect Rae’s teen daughter Lily. The reader also gets a humorous taste of Rae’s work as a professional dominatrix by how she and Angel nickname the clients. In this case, “Mr. Diaper Pants.”

Hurt for Me is ultimately about how Rae Dixon, who escaped being trafficked as a teen, transforms her sexual trauma and empowers herself through her work as a professional Domme. When the life she’s worked hard to rebuild is threatened after one of her clients goes missing, she’s forced to face her dark past and teams up with the lead investigator Dayton Clearwater to look into not only her missing client but missing women within her kink community. But the more she and Dayton dig into the underground group of rich eilites who may involved, the more they realize they and those they love are in great danger.
Visit Heather Levy's website.

My Book, The Movie: Walking Through Needles.

The Page 69 Test: Walking Through Needles.

--Marshal Zeringue