Buchanan applied the Page 69 Test to, Impervious, her newest Sean McPherson novel, and reported the following:
From page 69:Visit Laurie Buchanan's website.When possible, Toni takes backstreets and residential streets to avoid street cams as she drives Emilio Acardi's Camaro to his apartment complex and parks it. She leaves the keys in the ignition, exits the car, and takes care closing the driver's door.Uncannily, page 69 offers an excellent overall flavor of the storyline. In the case of Impervious, the Page 69 Test is a good shortcut for browsers.
After pulling her hat low and her collar up, she peels off her latex gloves and shoves them into her pockets, then brisk-walks twelve blocks where she gets into her own car and drives home.
Again, avoiding street cams. It's good being a cop. You know where all the "eyes" are.
After an hour of keystrokes, a few phone calls, and two fingers of scotch, Toni sits back satisfied.
New Orleans is two cities, one gentrified and grand, the other devastated and despairing, both within a single municipal boundary.
She raises her glass. Gentrified and grand, here I come. Toni yawns and stretches like a content cat. I'm not about to have my "Family First" tattoo modified in squalor.
Page 69 reveals a dirty cop mid-coverup and her plan to get away with having some incriminating evidence modified.
Intrigued? Here's a bit more enticement: The bride, the groom, the toast, the explosion.... What should be a joyous occasion turns lethal.
--Marshal Zeringue