Zusy applied the Page 69 Test to The Frederick Sisters Are Living the Dream and reported the following:
Yes, I believe that page 69 of The Frederick Sisters Are Living the Dream is a true representation of the rest of the book.Visit Jeannie Zusy's website.
Here, two major themes are playing out. The first half of the page addresses our protagonist Maggie’s disappointment and frustration about her oldest sister’s emotional and physical distance. Maggie has been on the front lines on the east coast managing the care of their middle sister Ginny, who has intellectual disabilities and Type 2 diabetes. Bets, a former surfing star, presumably “living the dream” in California, does not approve of how Maggie is handling the situation. Nor is she offering to help. So at this point in the story, Maggie is lamenting this, while also truly missing her oldest, coolest sister. She gets up the nerve to call her and leaves a “stupidly friendly message.”
The second half of page 69 addresses Ginny’s introduction to the internet. Maggie's trying to make Ginny happy while also navigating her safety and autonomy. Here, Ginny has been introduced to the internet. Maggie has just gifted her with an iPad on which she can watch movies, and Ginny has figured out how to do other things, including how to Google herself. She believes she has been identified as a child predator, which of course she isn’t. Ginny isn’t a child predator, nor does the internet say that she is. It’s just a scam in which a person can pay money to get a police record. There’s also the question as to whether Ginny really believes this. She is sometimes surprisingly savvy, and she has a dry sense of humor. On page 70, Maggie learns that Ginny has become a movie reviewer for Amazon.
--Marshal Zeringue