She applied the Page 69 Test to her new novel, You Can't Catch Me, and reported the following:
On page 69 of my new book, You Can't Catch Me, the protagonist, Jessica, is meeting with her friend Liam and a woman named Jessie in order to find out whether Jessie was defrauded by the same woman who defrauded Jessica.Visit Catherine McKenzie's website.
This is a good test for what my book is about since it is the story of a woman who pursues the woman who defrauded her and finds a series of identically named victims. Jessie - full name also Jessica - is one of those victims. It also sets up some of the dynamics between Jessica and Liam that we'll see through the rest of the book; Jessica relies on Liam, a private investigator, to an extent, but never fully lets him in on her plans. And finally, it's also a good first glimpse into Jessie--a complicated woman who has her own secrets.
Verdict: I passed the page 69 test! (At least, I think I did.)
My Book, The Movie: You Can't Catch Me.
--Marshal Zeringue