Now she lives in Chicago with her husband Adam and her son Aidan. By day she copy edits everything from TV commercials to billboards, and by night she writes contemporary teen novels about brown girls falling in love. When she’s not writing, you can catch her playing the Sims, eating too much candy, or planning her next trip to Disney World.
Davis applied the Page 69 Test to her debut novel, When the Stars Lead to You, and reported the following:
Is page 69 representative of the rest of the book?Visit Ronni Davis's website.
On page 69, Devon has her second run in with Ashton after he’s come back into her life after ghosting on her two summers ago. Naturally, she’s in kind of a tailspin, and every time she seems him, the whirl of emotions grow more intense.
Longing andShe’s so angry at him, while also consumed by her memories of their summer together. She’s fighting her desire for him, despite remembering how much hurt her before.
anger and
desire and—
His voice had deepened slightly since that summer. I hated that it still gave me chills.Devon struggles with her feelings for Ashton throughout the book. She loves him so much, but she’s fights with determining if he is good for her or not. Based on that, I believe page 69 is absolutely representative of the book.
My Book, The Movie: When the Stars Lead to You.
--Marshal Zeringue