Cotterill applied the Page 69 Test to his latest Dr. Siri Paiboun mystery, Don't Eat Me, and reported the following:
Again, the supernatural takes over as we turn to page 69 [inset below; click to enlarge] and see how it represents the entire book. That isn't the usual supernatural I seed through all my books. It's the uncanny root that always seems to grow out of that one page. On it, we learn that Siri and Civilai are attempting to make a movie yet areLearn more about the book and author at Colin Cotterill's website.lacking the fundamental skills needed to operate the camera. We see the quality of would-be actors for the main roles and sense the frustration our heroes feel. In France, Siri and Civilai had become cinema aficionados and dreamed of making a great film of their own. But perhaps the practical side of things is just a touch beyond their grasp.
The Page 69 Test: Killed at the Whim of a Hat.
My Book, The Movie: Killed at the Whim of a Hat.
The Page 69 Test: The Axe Factor.
The Page 69 Test: I Shot the Buddha.
The Page 69 Test: The Rat Catchers' Olympics.
--Marshal Zeringue