From page 99:Visit Margaret Duffy's website.We were directed towards a table by a window and Patrick immediately requested another in a corner of the room. A very slim chance perhaps but there is no point in offering yourself as a target to any particular member of the criminal fraternity who has a grievance.This extract from it is not particularly significant as things go but does demonstrate an impatient woman’s problem with a man intent on having his breakfast. I think people just reading this page might want to find out more about the characters and their relationship.
‘The Met are bound to interview him,’ Patrick said when we were seated, gazing at the menu. ‘Kippers,’ he announcing before glancing across at me. ‘What are you having?’
‘You need to go back there and pin him to the wall by his ears.’
A husbandly frown. ‘Figuratively speaking, I hope.’
‘You’re perfectly entitled to,’ I persisted.
‘I’ll think about it.’
‘Or we could question Donna Black about her horrible brood.’
‘I think it would be preferable to undertake some surveillance first as I have an idea questioning them again will not yield anything new. And I’ll probably ask the Met to do that — but not this weekend.’
‘So your next line of investigation is what?’
Patrick was rescued from responding to my, on reflection, very unfair badgering of him so early in the morning by his mobile ringing. He left the table, and the dining room, to speak to whoever it was.
--Marshal Zeringue