Meacham applied the Page 69 Test to her new novel, Titans, and reported the following:
Like many authors, I like to introduce my books with a quote. The one I chose for Titans has been credited to Albert Einstein, but in deference to the doubt of that attribution, it is cited as “an old saying.” It reads: Coincidence is God’s way of staying anonymous. And so the reader has now been alerted to the probability of Fate having a hand in the story. In the prologue, twins are parted at birth. The boy remains with his parents. The girl is given away. What are the chances that these two will reunite in later years? Please forget any expectation of the pair meeting, being attracted to each other, and disaster following. That’s been done (and done and done). Besides that story line is rather sick, and this author does not do sick. I’m not giving anything away when I confide that indeed they do meet, but “Oh dear!” when they do. The following excerpt will give you some idea.Visit Leila Meacham's website.Neal looked down the long table in the Trail Head and wondered how in the bloody hell it had happened that his worst nightmare had come to life and sat at his table as a dinner guest. The world was an infinite place. Damn, Texas was as big as a country! How was it possible that in all the space in the universe, the child he’d adopted and raised as his own would be dining with her father and twin brother at the same table in her home without any of them having a clue to the other’s identity? What force had collected and driven them into this one chute? He could not shake the gut-emptying feeling that a divine power had herded them here today.So with that, I leave you with the hope you’ll want to follow the trail in Titans to see where it leads.
The Page 69 Test: Roses.
--Marshal Zeringue