Page 69, huh? You looked, didn't you? Page 69 gives an excellent idea of what the plot is about - basically Dr John Dee, astrologer-royal to Queen Elizabeth I, has been ordered by Elizabeth's chief minister to find the bones of King Arthur, from whom the Tudors claimed to be descended. Page 69 finds Dee quizzing the notorious Bishop Bonner, now under house arrest. In the previous reign, Bonner was responsible for the burning of hundreds of non-Catholics. Despite this, he's a fun guy.Learn more about the book and author at Phil Rickman's website.
'What does King Arthur represent? (asks Bonner) but magic... enchantment? The king who does not die but waits in some misty, spiritual realm until he shall be summoned. The S-word, John, the S-word...'
My Book, The Movie: The Bones of Avalon.
Visit the complete list of books in the Page 69 Test Series.
--Marshal Zeringue