Quinn and her husband now live in Maryland with two black dogs named Caesar and Calpurnia, and her interests include opera, action movies, cooking, and the Boston Red Sox.
She applied the Page 69 Test to The Alice Network and reported the following:
From Page 69:Learn more about the book and author at Kate Quinn's website.I don't know how long the Channel crossing took. Time stretched on forever when you spent it vomiting.Would a reader skipping to page 69 be tempted to read on? Maybe, if they get a chuckle out of the dialogue above. And actually, it's pretty representative of The Alice Network, which is about striking out from the familiar and the safe into the unknown and the dangerous...even if the thought makes you queasy! My heroine here is sailing into uncharted waters; she has no idea what dangers lie ahead or if she'll be ready to face them. But she's still there, grimly clinging to the railing and refusing to back down!
"Don't shut your eyes." Finn Kilgore's Scottish burr sounded behind me as I clung grimly to the railing. "Makes your stomach worse if you can't see which direction the swells are coming from."
I screwed my eyes shut tighter. "Please don't say that word."
"What word?"
Coffee with a Canine: Kate Quinn and Caesar.
--Marshal Zeringue