He applied the Page 69 Test to his new novel, A Patent Lie, and reported the following:
Page 69 (below right, click to enlarge) is certainly representative of A Patent Lie in that it tells the reader something of what the book is about--a contested patent on a lifesaving AIDS therapy--and offers a sample of the novel's style, but it only hints at what the Washington Post book reviewer identified as "among the novel's pleasures"--"insights into lawyers and the games they play." (When McKee tells Seeley that if he had pushed back against the inventor, the client would have fired him, Seeley says, "You've got it backward, Boyd. You should have fired them. If you can't stand up to a client, you might as well turn in your bar card.") I should add that Seeley, the book's hero, is not without his own self-destructive tendencies--Publishers Weekly, in a starred review, wrote, "Scott Turow fans will welcome this complex protagonist."Read an excerpt from A Patent Lie, and learn more about the book and author from the publisher and at Paul Goldstein's website.
Of course, a single page can't convey the larger action or pace of the book. According to a Booklist review,the novel "effectively combines suspense with rich characterization," and Publishers Weekly adds that this "outstanding sequel" to my earlier novel, Errors and Omissions, "masterfully portrays the intricate courtroom maneuvering and the ethical dilemmas of trial attorneys."
Make no mistake, though, the book is not just about lawyers like Seeley and McKee, but about, love and lies, family and faith, and the battle for control of a watershed drug that could, in the right hands, save the lives of millions.
Visit the complete list of books in the Page 69 Test Series.
--Marshal Zeringue